
To see a full list of my working papers, please see my CV.


  1. Different Methods Elicit Different Belief Distributions.
    Beidi Hu, and Joseph P Simmons
    Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2024
    Belief distribution elicitations are on the rise. We find that two functionally equivalent methods elicit different belief distributions.
  2. How Should Time Estimates Be Structured to Increase Customer Satisfaction?
    Beidi Hu, Celia Gaertig, and Berkeley J Dietvorst
    Management Science, 2024
    Customers judge a digital platform (e.g., food delivery app, GPS app) more positively when it provides time estimates as ranges rather than point estimates.


  1. Does Constructing a Belief Distribution Truly Reduce Overconfidence?
    Beidi Hu, and Joseph P Simmons
    Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2023
    Past work says yes. Our paper finds the opposite.